Looking for a dog food that is grain-free, protein packed, with wholesome natural ingredients? If so, then this review might be for you. Being a dog owner throughout my entire life, I have used a number of dog food products including the one I plan on looking at here. This particular brand, Wellness Core, is one that I have experimented with my own  Afghan Hound and Corgi. So, what is Wellness Core Dog Food? Let’s take a closer look.

Wellness …. What Are They All About?

The Wellness Company (Family) was formed in the 1990’s and worked closely with veterinarians, scientists and animal nutritionists to create a food source that would pay huge dividends to the health of our pets. Wellness Core is based upon the belief that dog food should not only taste delicious, but should also be nutritional as well. Protein based, the recipes (wet and dry) contain natural, wholesome ingredients including probiotics and nutrients to enhance the overall health in dogs. Wellness Core offers a variety of choices (dry and wet) to dog owners who are looking for a specific formula to meet the needs of their canine. These choices are listed below.

  • Raw
  • Freeze Dried
  • Dry
  • Pate
  • Canned (Wet)


Wellness Core Dog Food … Is It Right For Your Pet?

Because Wellness Core is available in both a wet and dry recipe, you as the dog owner have some flexibility when using this product. Some owners prefer to use an exclusive dry formula for their dog’s diet, whereas others prefer to use the canned recipe. In my case, I use both, as I give my dogs a couple of tablespoons of the canned on top of their dry. This works well for me, and my dogs seem to love the combination of the two. In my opinion, how you decide to use either of the two comes down to the needs of your dog. Some dogs may have oral issues and may find it difficult to chew the dry kibble. Other dogs may have sensitive stomachs, and may not react to a canned diet. Wellness Core offers recipes with these issues in mind. The choice is yours.


Wellness Core Dog Food


Wellness Core …  (Pros)


  1. Made with quality, fresh nutritional ingredients.
  2. Grain-free formulas.
  3. #1 Ingredient is protein based, providing energy and other healthy attributes for your dog.
  4. Available in various formulas (dry and wet) to meet specific issues regarding your dog. (Sensitive stomachs, weight management, life stages, allergies, breed size, etc.)
  5. Can be purchased in various sizes (dry)
  6. Shinier, thicker coats.
  7. Takes less to fulfill your dog’s appetite
  8. Made in the USA.
  9. Contains probiotics and antioxidants

Wellness Core …  (Cons)

  1. Cost (More expensive than most).
  2. It is not poultry-free (Making sure your dog is not allergic to poultry).
  3. The canned formula should be used rather quickly (When opened, expiration may become an issue if not used within a few days).
  4. May cause gas and/or soft stools in some dogs.


Wellness Core … The Ingredients (The Good Stuff)


As I mentioned before, the Wellness company prides itself in producing only the finest, freshest and natural ingredients in each one of their formulas. Because I use the Wellness Core Original Formula with my own dogs, I wanted to give you a look at some of the ingredients that are contained within this formula. I have used this particular recipe for some years now, so I am familiar with most of the contents and will list a few of those below. Before doing that, it’s only fair that I mention that I am a strong believer in the importance of a healthy protein to my dogs’ diet, which is also a major focus of the Wellness family. Here now, is a list of the ingredients (not all-inclusive) within this recipe:


  • Deboned Turkeycarrots
  • Turkey Meal
  • Chicken Meal
  • Peas
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Blueberries
  • Apples
  • Vitamin A, B, C D

Although not an all-inclusive list, you can see by the first three ingredients listed above, you can see the emphasis based on protein, with the Deboned Turkey, Turkey and Chicken Meal. I also like the idea that my dogs are receiving some fruits and vegetables within their diet, which, as we all know is quite nutritional.

*  As I mentioned earlier, Wellness Core does contain poultry which some dogs may be allergic to. Be sure to consult with your vet if you feel your dog may be susceptible to allergies.

Wellness Core … Recipes  (Dry)

    1. Wellness Core Puppy Dry Formula
    2. Wellness Core Natural Grain Free Original (Turkey & Chicken Recipe)
    3. Wellness Core Natural Grain Free (Ocean Recipe)
    4. Wellness Core Natural Grain Free Large Breed (Original Recipe)
    5. Wellness Core Natural Grain Free Original Recipe
    6. Wellness Core Natural Grain Free Large Breed Health
    7. Wellness Core Natural Grain Free Small Breed (Turkey Recipe)

Wellness Core … Recipes  (Wet)

  1. Wellness Core Grain Free (Turkey & Chicken Recipe)
  2. Wellness Core Grain Free Hearty Cuts (Turkey & Chicken Recipe)
  3. Wellness Core Grain Free Weight Management
  4. Wellness Core Grain Free Original
  5. Wellness Core Grain Free Turkey, Chicken Liver, Turkey Liver
  6. Wellness Core Grain Free Beef Venison & Lamb


As you can see, Wellness offers a wide range of flavors as well as formulas to meet the specific needs of your pet. I chose to list recipes that were grain-free as this is a primary focus with the Wellness Core product.


Wellness Core … 


My Review … And Others


As I mentioned earlier, I have been using the Wellness Core Grain Free Original recipe with my dogs for years. My dogs seem to love the taste, coats are shiny and thick, with no issues regarding digestive issues or loose stools. It also gives me peace of mind, as I know my dogs are receiving a healthy, nutritional diet each and every day. On the downside, it is a little bit costly, so keep this in mind in your search. I do not use the Wellness wet form with these dogs, so I can’t give you a fair assessment of this formula. I can tell you that out of the hundreds of reviews you can find on Amazon.com, the majority are very positive in nature when describing the Wellness Core products. These reviews come from individuals who have directly used the product, so take some time to view these.



Conclusion …


I hope this article has helped you in getting some answers regarding the Wellness Core product. All of us, as dog owners, want our pets to live an energetic, healthy, long life and feeding a quality food is essential. Wellness Core is a very popular brand and the company has been in business since the 1990’s. I have listed what I like about the product, and things I am not so fond of. No one knows your dog(s) as well as you do, so finding a product that meets his/her needs is in your hands. Wellness Core, in my opinion, is definitely one to consider. Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to leave a comment or ask a question below.





Hello there dog lovers! My name is Luke, a retired school administrator and professional baseball player. Like you, I am a passionate about the well-being of my pets. As a result of this, I have spent years of research in finding the best dog food products to ensure my dogs are receiving a healthy, nutritional diet. I actually enjoy the research, and want to share my findings with you, dog owners like myself. I am in no way an expert, but through my research, have knowledge as it relates to the benefits of a natural dog food.


Sharron Perkins · March 2, 2020 at 9:06 pm

How long does the freeze dried stay fresh after opening

    Luke · March 2, 2020 at 10:53 pm

    Most suppliers and manufacturers of freeze dried suggest that that the recipe be used from one to three weeks. Be sure to store properly and cover opened product. Thank you Sharon, hope this is helpful.

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