Dog Christmas Ornaments

 I recently came across a site that offers a wide variety of dog Christmas ornaments that are breed specific. To be more precise, this site offers dog Christmas ornaments in over 80 specific breeds. As the Holiday season quickly approaches, these ornaments just may look pretty cool hanging from your tree! 

These ornaments are special in that they add a warm touch to your home, recognizing the love you have for your four-legged companion. I know growing up as a kid with dogs, we always hung a dog Christmas ornament on our tree, but were limited in the choice of breed. Just the same, we were able to display our love for our pet with this ornament.

Our Faithful Companions … Celebrating The Christmas Season With Us

These dog Christmas ornaments will surely represent more than just a decoration on a tree. They provide that connection that we have between our furry friends. Although Christmas only comes around once a year, these breed specific ornaments are a reminder of what our pets give us year round. In addition, these dog Christmas ornaments will stir up all different kind of emotions, including joy, warmth, and so many everlasting memories.

We get a sense that these pets actually get excited for these holidays as much as we do. Pretty sure they have an idea that a few of those packages underneath the tree are intended for them. Watching our canines tear open the packaging with anticipation is so fulfilling to see. A dog Christmas ornament only enhances this entire setting! It’s a tradition that will last forever.

Note: This article contains affiliate links and offers, and I may receive a commission if you decide to purchase one of these products.

Dog Christmas Ornaments … The Perfect Gift

gift boxHaving a difficult time choosing a gift for a neighbor, family member or your hair stylist? If any of these individuals are dog parents, these ornaments would make a perfect gift. Imagine the smile on their faces when they hang these breed specific ornaments from the tree.

Whether you decide to purchase one or a number of these dog Christmas ornaments, they are an item that will indeed be affordable. More on that in just a bit. So, can you think of the number of individuals you may know that would welcome a gift such as this? With over 80 specific breed ornaments available, finding a match should be easy to do.

Dog Christmas Ornaments … 2 Festive Options

1) As I mentioned earlier, this particular site offers more than 80 specific breed ornaments. In terms of thesedog ornament products, the company describes these articles as ceramic round ornaments that are printed in the USA. Lightweight yet durable ornaments measure 2.5″ and come with a golden string for hanging.

 Do you know someone who owns a boxer? Afghan Hound? German Shepherd? No problem, as you will find an ornament for just about any breed making shopping a breeze. The resemblance between these ornaments and the real thing is difficult to debate.

2.) For those who may be looking for a different style of a dog Christmas ornament, you are in luck. Also available in a number of specific breeds, you can find a hand nit wool ornament that would great on your tree as well. Size is a 4″ x 4″ and would also make a great gift. (Image to the right and above)

Where To Find The Dog Christmas Ornaments

To check out the ceramic round ornaments, CLICK HERE.

To check out the nit wool ornaments, CLICK HERE.

To check out the ornaments below, CLICK HERE.




dog christmas decor


Final Word

Well there you have it, a brief description of what and how these dog Christmas decorations can enhance the holiday season. Whether you would like to celebrate the love you have for your own pet, or gifting a fellow dog parent, these ornaments are a great idea. Without question, these dog Christmas ornaments will symbolize the love you have with your pet, and one to celebrate.  To your pet!









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